Mittwoch, 6. Februar 2013



Last night I dreamed that someone told me: your love is dead.

Your love, the girl you loved when you were young,
has died.

In a cold city in the South
where the parks are one huge dewdrop,
at the hour when the fog is still virgin
and the city turns its back
on the gaze of desperate souls.

And she died- they told me - without saying your name.

- Roque Dalton

The history of my stupidity would fill many volumes.
Some would be devoted to acting against
Like the flight of a moth which, had it known,
Would have tended nevertheless toward the candle’s flame.

Others would deal with ways to silence anxiety,
The little whisper which, though it is a warning, is ignored.

I would deal separately with satisfaction and pride,
The time when I was among their adherents
Who strut victoriously, unsuspecting.

But all of them would have one subject, desire,
If only my own—but no, not at all; alas,
I was driven because I wanted to be like others.
I was afraid of what was wild and indecent in me.

The history of my stupidity will not be written.
For one thing, it’s late. And the truth is laborious.

—Czeslaw Milosz